We've Been Working On Our Website!

Hi Everyone,So, it has been a while since I last posted - I thought it was time for a quick update. Along with editing photographs, albums, attending professional photographer meetings and the such - we've also been extremely busy creating the next version of our site. We're so excited about the changes!First off, we're adding in a new feature to our portfolio that we LOVE! We're adding in "The Story" for every photograph in our portfolio (and adding on nearly 100 photographs if not more). The story would be similar to what I wrote for Lee and Melody. Each photograph (or at least one present if there are more than one) will have the story behind the shot - why it is important, who is in the shot, why we would show you this shot. The idea is that you can really connect with the photograph on a much deeper level - that you can really understand the moment you're seeing. You'll also get to know a bit more about why we are wedding photographers and why we love it so much.  We can't wait for this feature to go live. Keep an eye on the site - it should go live within the next several days!Secondly, Videos!!! We're adding videos to our site almost anywhere there is text. This will be especially seen in the Investment section. Rather than just text describing the product, we'll actually show you the product and talk about it. We're recording the videos over the next few days, and then editing, and then embedding ... it is quite a time-consuming process. But, it is well worth it. You'll have a firm idea of everything we do and everything we offer. It'll be great!Lastly, we're adding in a Splash Page. If you've seen our business cards, it looks almost identical to the front of the card. This Splash page is covering a few little technical notes. First, there will be a low-bandwidth option. This will take you to a version of the site that does not have all of the videos and skips the front slideshow. We know, the slideshow is huge, we're working on it ... actually, that leads me to the next reason. The splash page will actually re-direct you to a version of our website that best fits your screen! We're officially making five different versions of the website at different resolutions - you'll be routed to the one that best fits your screen. This will not only make it look the very best on your computer but also make it as small (Mb-wise) as possible. Aka, you'll be routed to what looks the best for you AND the site will take less time to download! Wahoo!So, we've been a bit busy. We're doing all the coding ourselves - it can be time consuming, but we're convinced to have our website reflect us exactly. I can't wait for the changes! Keep an eye out - they'll all be coming as quickly as possible!- Spencer ClarkAnna and Spencer Photography


Nick and Jessica's Wedding - Behind the Scene


A New Intro to Our Site! - August 25, 2008